

Txogitxu Back Client Txogitxu S.L. Location San Sebastián · Guipuzcoa Date 2023 · 2024 Info Expansion of a meat processing industry with a high-quality beef cutting...


UECKO S.L. Back Client UECKO S.L. Loaction Fuenlabrada · Madrid Date 2023 · 2024 Info Project for the establishment of a new manufacturing industry for designer...
Borras Cacao S.L.

Borras Cacao S.L.

Borras Cacao S.L. Back Client Borrás Cacaos Location Jerez de la Frontera · Cádiz Date 2023 · 2024 Info Industry for the manufacturing of powdered chocolate, tablets, and...


Frusangar Back Client Frusangar Location Navalcarnero · Madrid Date 2023 · 2024 Info New factory for the sorting and processing of fresh...
Redondo · Productos avícolas de alta calidad

Redondo · Productos avícolas de alta calidad

Redondo · Productos avícolas de alta calidad Back Client Redondo Location Pantoja · Toledo Date 2023 · 2024 Info Consulting and advisory services with an insurer for the adaptation of fire protection installation at a slaughterhouse in Leganés and a feed factory and...